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EPiC Solutions creates Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) within education that seeks to research, develop, and implement curriculum changes that increase student achievement within and outside of schools. The field focuses on how students learn and the best ways to educate. We offer data in new trends in teaching and learning process. EPiC tries to find answers to questions such as "why to teach", "what to teach", "how to teach" and "how to evaluate" in instructional process.


Curriculum is essentially a design, or roadmap for learning, and as such EPiC, focuses on knowledge and skills that are judged important to learn. To meet the needs of the 21st century learner and achieve the student outcomes described in its Framework, EPiC will create a 21st century curriculum that blends thinking and innovation skills; information, media, and ICT literacy; and life and career skills in context of core academic subjects and across interdisciplinary themes, and employ methods of 21st century instruction that integrate innovative and research-proven teaching strategies, modern learning technologies, and real world resources and context.

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